Archive for the atlanta Category

giant oaks, folk art, and babies’ heads

Posted in atlanta, exploration on June 18, 2018 by kaffeemitschlag



Hello all–

I almost started repeating myself repeating myself about how I let too much time lapse between entries in this project of mine (geez, check the date of the last post): the vacillation between the simplicity of MS Paint and the need to embrace better (and more expensive!) tools, the shift in focus from infographics through public art and into exploration photography, and this is already started to sound boring, right? Yeah. So.

This is a post. May it be one in a long line of others with increased frequency, expanded novelty, and just being goddamn interesting and informative. Let us pray.


Atlanta’s “Doll’s Head Trail” is so beaten off the path that it doesn’t exist until you see it: there is no indication of it until you a) turn off Moreland Avenue into a seemingly random trucking facility’s driveway, b) spot the almost-hidden sign for Constitution Lakes Park (which one would imagine could be located next to Moreland as it is a major thoroughfare rather than in a random trucking facility’s driveway, but hey, I’m not in the city government), c) walk through the well=kempt paved walkway through a lovely forested area with informative signs about the area’s ecosystem to the wooden decks overlooking the marshy lakes, d) suddenly notice a parting in the trees where a foreboding muddy walkway leaves the meticulously-manicured path through which you had until then leisurely strolled, e) decide to go for it, f) start seeing signs of stenciled infants’ heads indicating you should turn right against your own best judgment especially after seeing that water moccasin cross your path, and then g) arrive at the most amazingly awe=inpiring nightmare destinations of a lifetime.

The Doll’s Head Trail was inspired and created by local folk artists, and it is both beautiful and terrifying. Plus, the ecological oasis includes everybody from deer, beavers, magnolias, herons, snakes, ferns, mushrooms, bullfrogs, Georgia pines, and salamanders to a plethora of songbirds, fish, giant oaks, squirrels, and arthropods galore.

Check this photoset I captured back in 2015 during my very first visit, where I felt like I was certainly being stalked by baby forest demons (but in a reassuring way).

L5P to AUC

Posted in atlanta, exploration, photography on November 16, 2016 by kaffeemitschlag

Yesterday, I took a trek from my current home in Little Five Points through Inman Park, Cabbagetown, Grant Park, Summerhill, Mechanicsville, the West End, and up to the Atlanta University Center where the Morehouse, Spelman, and Clark campuses converge. Through this journey, I met with two former residences of mine (543 Boulevard in Grant Park and the old Southern Mills building in Mechanicsville where I managed Ambient + Studio for several years), and the nostalgia was overwhelming to the point of obliterating the present for more than a few moments, the feeling of having been there just yesterday. While in Grant Park, I felt viscerally an era with frequent strolls to visit the hornbills, meerkats, and snapping turtle at the zoo; going on a run through the neighborhood and ascending/descending the stairs of the Cyclorama like some famous movie about an Italian-American boxer; sledding on trash bags down snow-covered hillsides on dark winter nights; and well, the entirety of life with my boyfriend and two of my best friends (and our kitties) living in a home that was all at once cavernous, confusing, beautiful, and utterly ramshackle. Passing by Ambient was a more recent nostalgia, but it’s surprising to know that what feels so familiar was more than a year ago: cultivating a pollinator garden, painting giant rooftop murals, witnessing dozens of marriages, and of course having my path blocked by a slowly-moving train. This hike was one to remind that even recent memories can seem distant, a good indicator that we must live our entire lives all at once, like some Kurt Vonnegut quote I don’t feel like looking up. And of course, it provided a healthy dose of photographic material that I’m posting here, the catalogue of yet another journey from point A to point B through many incongruous neighborhoods (including some mild trespassing). And it didn’t hurt that I got some great hot wings at West End Mall.

a trek back… in time!

Posted in atlanta, exploration, photography on June 9, 2016 by kaffeemitschlag

Continuing on my exploration kick, I’ve decided to delve back to the very first hike I ever documented with both tracking software and photography. I’d been wandering around in disjointed and circuitous routes and snapping photos at whim for quite some time, but it wasn’t until I was the last American to jump into the smartphone pool in July 2014 that I was able to track my path and mileage. This was the first of those: a huge 23-mile loop cutting through the Atlanta University Center, Vine City, English Avenue, the semi-industrial and aptly-named Blandtown, Underwood Hills, the incredibly diverse monuments and spectacular views of Crest Lawn Cemetery, Loring Heights, Atlantic Station, Home Park, the Georgia Tech campus, and skirting along the edge of downtown before reaching back home, which, at the time, was at the convergence of Castleberry Hill, Adair Park, Pittsburgh, & Mechanicsville. Especially important hiker’s note: Laredo Nuevo Cantina is delicious, but never consume giant burritos & margaritas in the middle of a summer hike. I will never forget.

time to keep exploring

Posted in atlanta, exploration, photography on May 22, 2016 by kaffeemitschlag

All right folks, a little more of my exploration around the city of Atlanta. Thought I’d post a jaunt from my home in Little Five Points to Decatur Square taken last week. Enjoy!

time to explore more

Posted in atlanta, exploration, photography on May 6, 2016 by kaffeemitschlag

This journey was inspired simply by delving into Atlas Obscura and investigating what I hadn’t explored in my vicinity that ended up being fascinating. The two primary locations were the abandoned Atlanta Prison Farm on the south side of the city that was left to burn after catching fire several years ago (and was extremely difficult and dangerous to locate, wouldn’t recommend visiting alone unless you’re hoping for a slasher film ending to your life) and a mausoleum in a Wal-Mart parking lot, a site that exists only because the family refused to have their relatives disinterred and that small lot of bodies subsequently became a 20-foot-tall mausoleum after the corporate powers-that-be decided to dig out everything around it.

time to explore

Posted in atlanta, exploration, photography on April 24, 2016 by kaffeemitschlag

Five years ago, I hoped to engorge this blog with infographics on every possible subject about which I was currently obsessed. It worked for a time: I was tired of my fellow Atlantans pointing at the skyscrapers that defined their horizon, so I made a graphic; I moved into a home rife with household spiders, so I made a graphic; I realized I had been to DragonCon for ten years running, so I made a graphic. I also delved into a short foray of the creation and life of an art installation for an Art on the Atlanta BeltLine project, and I featured it here (hopefully, if my proposal is accepted, I’ll be doing the same this year!!).

But no updates in almost two years. My life has been full of work and moving and projects and everything that bogs down everyone who thinks it’s a good idea to start a blog but realizes that life has different plans, and I thought, “why not turn my life into the blog itself?” and it seems, well, logical. So I’ve decided to incorporate a huge part of my life into this blog to get it up and running again (and still dedicated to learning and, especially, exploring). I hike somewhere different every week, and I document the journeys primarily for myself and anyone who follows me on facebook, but hey, who not share these adventures with the world? For my fellow Atlantans, I hope it will encourage exploration of the hidden treasures of the city and its surrounding towns, mountains, forests, and more; for those of you outside of my surrounding area, I hope it will still incite exploration into those places you call home. Not to say I won’t delve back into infographics as soon as I can, but for now, a first installment of Time to Explore: a ten-mile journey around my very own neighborhood taken two weeks ago. There will be a lot more.



a dragoncon timeline

Posted in atlanta with tags , on October 6, 2014 by kaffeemitschlag

Relaunching the blog with a new name, a simpler URL, and an expression of love for my favorite time of year: DragonCon.

As always, click to zoom.


tangibility concluded

Posted in atlanta on October 1, 2013 by kaffeemitschlag

Last time, on it’s finally time you knew something, the public art installation / physical infographic of sorts entitled Fifty-Five Square Miles had just been put on display for Art on the Atlanta BeltLine. Now, a year later, here’s a closer look at the project as it was altered, improved, and claimed by the elements (including spiders building webs in interstates and squirrels hiding walnuts in skyscrapers).

463686_10100673116635887_448407907_o Downtown.

414789_10100673117269617_2074488018_o Buckhead by road, hiking trail, or rail.

705207_10100673116880397_1792713170_o Carter Center, Little Five Points, King Center & Historic District, Oakland Cemetery, and the obligatory “You Are Here.”

469865_10100742838063587_532634376_o East Atlanta Village.

793921_10100742838043627_532968664_o Georgia Dome, CNN Center, Centennial Olympic Park.

706303_10100673116810537_2292562_o Zoo Atlanta, with Turner Field in the upper foreground and the Cyclorama in the background (Confederate & Union flags, but the Stars & Bars a bit obscured).

464504_10100673116571017_900601270_o Atlantic Station, Georgia Tech.

706304_10100673116990177_186796596_o Woodruff Arts Center, Midtown.

793919_10100742839346017_1238923212_o A visitor and her brood.

778802_10100742838612487_942805830_o Squirrels making a cache out of the Peachtree Plaza.



As to why I’ve decided to add this entry after abandoning the blogosphere for just over a year, my infographic on Atlanta’s skyscrapers has mysteriously reasserted itself back into the annals of reddit & facebook lately, so I’ll take this case of the artificially intelligent jpeg as a signal that I may as well reassert more infotainment back here. Now, I can’t promise a new graphic to greet you every morning as a part of a balanced breakfast, or even for that matter assure you I’ll have produced something every week or two, but if I can overcome some logistical hurdles (absolving myself of the no-longer-novel concept of using MS Paint, acquiring and mastering Illustrator; those are really all the hurdles), I’d like to increase the frequency by a THOUSANDFOLD at least. Maybe tenfold.

it’s done

Posted in atlanta with tags , , , , on September 6, 2012 by kaffeemitschlag

Well, mostly. It’s installed and it’s on public display. The official debut is Saturday, but I mean, it’s public art, so you can go look at it now if you’re in Reynoldstown, specifically off Kirkwood Avenue and directly behind the Stein Steel factory (which I always imagine is just full of shirtless steelworkers hammering on anvils, but maybe that’s just me). I’d still like to add a few things (as a professional sports anti-fan, I still lack any Braves or Falcons memorabilia for Turner Field & the Georgia Dome), and chances are it’s a certainty that I’ll be tweaking it and repairing it over the next three months. But here it is:

Another vantage point, as the direct perspective tends to fade into two dimensions:

A close-up of Little Five Points / Edgewood (my own neighborhood is littered with the refuse of sweetgum trees, so I added them earlier today):

I added Oakland City at the last minute (lots of old hangars and steel-ensconced warehouses there):

I still have a lot of work to do, in my opinion. But it’s now available to be scrutinized by the public eye, which is both exhilarating and frightening.

now with EVEN MORE tangibility!

Posted in atlanta on August 9, 2012 by kaffeemitschlag

After some city-scouring and a few setbacks (including but not limited to hot glue melting skin, an incompatibility of the wood I selected with the summer climate of a world boiling itself, and millipede breeding season taking place on my moss solution test run), I’ve begun the process of attaching postcards, bicycle tires, outdated MARTA tokens, bottle caps, broken brick, and various pieces of business cards, retail packaging, and other local business detritus to the two massive sections of wood that will provide the foundation for the map. Check out some of the progress:


Bike tires for major roads, MARTA tokens for public rail (with dismantled Breeze cards as each station).


A view of downtown from Oakland Cemetery.


I mean, this is what I see when I look at East Atlanta Village.


The most successful moss solution by far, not that you can tell from the quality/proximity of this photo; this one a blend of buttermilk, Miller High Life, water retention gel, and clumps of dried moss (I’ll be using fresher moss for the final run). Strangely not as attractive to flies, ants, and pillbugs as the last few mixtures, and a much thicker layer that actually resembles the moss carpet it should.